donderdag 14 november 2013

Sometimes it's good to look back

Zentangle - dec. 4th 2011

Although I am a firm believer of living in the 'Here and Now' as much as you possibly can, sometimes it is quite alright to look back.
In my case, I went back to some of the Zentangle Inspired pieces I made in 2011. That was a periode where I made almost a one a day, and it felt good. This one I still am in love with. I'd sort of forgotten about it... isn't that sad?
Lucky me, I have a beautiful archive, a handmade book with all pieces I created. I can take it out of my cabinet, browse through it.
Do you recognise this? Sometimes when I do that, browse through older pieces of creation, when it's long enough ago, I look at them as if I didn't make them myself, and when there is one that is just, well, beautiful, I'm admiring it in a way I would admire a beautiful piece by someone else. Until it hits me: I made this, ME.... It still makes me blush that feeling. I embrace it too, 'cause it builds my confidence. That I break down time and again, myself, yes.

So, this Zentangle piece from the past. It has a fall/winter feel. I love that brown vintage feel paper. There were only a few pages of that paper, made it special. December 4th it says, 2011. Almost two years ago. I'm glad I kept it, preserved it. Now I can share it with you, maybe it will inspire you in some way. At the least it made me feel good. Inspired to keep up with these tangles :-)

What about you? Have you looked back to some of your work of a few years back recently? How does that make you feel? Remember, we all evolve, we all make 'mistakes', we all learn. And maybe, just maybe, there is a little special creation lying there, somewhere in your archive, ready to make you smile, to make you feel good...


woensdag 13 november 2013

Experiments in aquarel

I had some fun with some aquarel crayons. They were lying in my cabinet for a while now, but I didn't really know how to use them. Until a week or so back I went to a big fair for all kinds of creative hobbies. The kind where you can buy anything from scrapbook supplies to wool, clay & beads. The kind where you can easily get addicted to at least three new hobbies :-)

There was a lady there, she was demonstrating new markers, water color markers. I admired her work, and since it wasn't that busy yet we started talking a bit. I told her about my tangling and the markers I have. She told me that I should try using a pen-brush to dilute the colores. She showed me how to do it. Well, needless to say, I went home with that 'pen-brush'. It's an easy thing, looks like a big ballpoint, has a fine brush tip, that I can fill up with some water.

Keen to see how it works, I realised I could use the aquarel crayons to do so. Using some simple Zentangle patterns this is what it turned out to be.
It was a nice experiment. The diluting I needed to get a hang off, trying to see how much crayon I needed to add. I like how the major lines didn't really fade, the diluted color acted like a shade.
Something to repeat, that's for sure, more experimenting, more fun :-)

Wishing you a colorful day,


dinsdag 12 november 2013

Swirly Owl

This owl was born yesterday, sitting on his swirling tree. Still sleeping (or is he meditating?).
At peace, that is for sure.

Again, the owl mirrors me. When I drew the owl I was very much at peace. After a few days of being very busy. Well, in my head.

Too much thinking... Too many sensations from the outside world.
I do realise what is going on sooner now though. A few years back it would take me weeks before I started to realise what was going on. Now it may not even be days before the bells start ringing.
That is a good thing.
The unwinding and finding my way back to myself... well, that still can be, let's say a challenge.

Yesterday music was the key. My headphones on. Beautiful music. Soon I could feel how the uneasyness in my body started to flow out.

The owl is on the table, I smile when I look at it. Feels good to see it. I can be pleased with my creation.
That is a big thing. No self critique, no doubt. My owl is beautiful.

How about you? Have you taken some time for yourself these past days? Do you ever feel like music is the key to feeling better?

Wishing you a peaceful day,


Dit uiltje werd gisteren geboren, zittend op zijn wervelende boom. Nog in slaap (of is hij aan het mediteren? ) Hij is tevreden en rustig, dat is zeker.

Alweer weerspiegelt de uil mijzelf. Toen ik de uil aan het tekenen was, voelde ik me rustig en tevreden.
Na een paar dagen van heel erg druk zijn. Nou ja, in mijn hoofd. Teveel denken ... Te veel prikkels van de buitenwereld.

Ik besef nu wel eerder wat er aan de hand is. Een paar jaar terug het zou me weken kosten voordat ik begon te beseffen wat er gaande was. Nu is het vaak al binnen een paar dagen, of zelfs binnen een dag, dat er een belletje gaat rinkelen.
Dat is een goede zaak.  Het weer loslaten en het vinden van de weg terug naar mezelf ... nou ja dat is, laten we zeggen, nog een uitdaging.
Gisteren was muziek de sleutel. Mijn koptelefoon op. Prachtige muziek. Al snel kon ik voelen hoe het ongemakkelijke gevoel uit mijn lichaam begon te stromen.

De uil ligt nu voor me op de tafel, ik glimlach als ik er naar kijk. Voelt goed om hem te zien. Ik kan tevreden zijn met mijn creatie.
Dat is een groot ding. Geen zelfkritiek , geen twijfel. Mijn uil is prachtig.

Hoe zit het met jou? Heb je wat tijd genomen voor jezelf de afgelopen dagen ? Heb je ooit het gevoel dat muziek is de sleutel tot je beter voelen?

Ik wens je een rustige dag ,


vrijdag 1 november 2013


Next to my computer this wire heart is the place where I put my 'Inspiration pieces'. Last week  I bought these lovely cards, couldn't decide which one is the most beautiful, so I ended up putting them all in. They are made by Katie Vernon, currently sold by IKEA in the Netherlands.
I love how she combines simple black and white line drawing with beautiful colors fills of nature. A true inspiration.

Wishing you an inspirational day!


PS: Find Katie here &