woensdag 9 oktober 2013

Water color experiments

A happy little creation to start with. This is another experiment on how to use water color. I used a heavier paper, colored card stock.
 I am okay with this one :-) it is fun to try and see what comes of it.

Before I made this smiling flower I tried to do the Zentangle, then color it with the markers. Well, they don't mix well. The micron pen runs into the colors when I wet the spots were I applied the marker.

The bright color is where I only used the marker, no water. I'm sort of undecided on this, but I know that if I want that sort of brighter color, I will use my color micron pens instead.
To me personally, I like the black and white Zentangle better. Like this one, I made yesterday evening.

What do you prefer in you arts and crafts? Color? Black & White?

Have a nice day,


1 opmerking:

  1. Hi Maureen, wish I could help you more,, I have never used or known about these markers. I use paint mostly with my hands and sometimes a brush. When I finally did buy a micro pen though it stopped working once I used it on acrylic paint, that wasn't suppose to happen. With my new pen though it's working on any paint just fine!!??
    I LOOOOVE the Zentangle and think they look great b/w but some colored ones can be great too. I am a fan of b/w and color, think it depends on what I'm doing and my mood. I do like taking black cardstock and a white pencil and just doodling and/or white paint on it.
    Thanks for sharing and keep trying with your markers to see what works. Do you have any paint or kids watercolor paint strip, that was how I first started.
    Oh and another favorite for me is Kraft with white, ooohhh love these two together.
    Have a good day!
