donderdag 3 oktober 2013

Key 1 - Solitude - being alone especially when it's pleasant

Today I went to one of my favorite stores in the Netherlands, Xenos. They have all kinds of pretty things for the home, it's inexpensive, a real treat. I almost never leave without having bought something.

In the card rack I spotted this postcard. Isn't it amazing? This says 'Solitude' to me.
"Being alone, especially when it's pleasant", that's what my dictionary says.

So I wanted to share that with you. Hoping you can feel like this tree. All alone, yet in a real beautiful, peaceful place. With it's roots deep into mother nature. Surrounded by the gorgeous colors of the rainbow.


ps: this is inspired by key 1 in the 'inspire your life in 12 days e-course by Bonita Rose.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. It's absolutely beautiful. Keep this card and hang it in a place where you see it often! It's got such a great message! xo

  2. My brother came in my room just now, he immediately spotted the card. He loves it too. I think I'm gonna give it to him, as a little present.

  3. i love this image of the tree, the openess and the rainbow... it just seems magical and full of posibility. :) kari j young

  4. This is perfect!! LOVE IT!!! So true too, good for you and YAY for blogging!

  5. Thank you everyone! Blogging is starting to feel like fun :-)
