donderdag 10 oktober 2013

Flowers, moss and wet slippers

When I was having my morning coffee, I noticed the flowers on the terrace outside.

A little wet with morning dew, rays of sunlight shining down on them, warming them up.

Lovely pinkish purple, or is it Mauve? It's a beautiful color, that I do know ;-)

Right next to it there is other beauty, in shades of green and yellow.

Almost an abstract painting if you get real close up. Painted by mother nature. I just love those cute tiny spouts that stick out.
The moss sits wrapped around the stem of an honeysuckle. Oh, their smell in summer...

Remember how I said the flower was wet with morning dew? Well, so were my slippers after my little adventure on the terrace. No time to get my shoes, my camera was right by my side. I had to capture the moment. For indeed that sunlight could have been hidden behind a cloud any minute...!

XO Maureen

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